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All of our apple varieties are grafted onto Mailing-Merton 111 (M111) rootstock.
Released in 1952, M111 hails from a Northern Spy x Merton 793 cross that was developed over a decades-long collaboration between the East Mailing Research Station and the John Innes Horticultural Institute.
We've found that M111 strikes a terrific balance between vigor and fruit production.
M111 trees are vigorous enough to compete with weeds for access to water and nutrients, yet precocious enough to produce apples 2-3 years after planting.
Apple trees grown on M111 rootstock and left to their own devices often reach heights of 15-20 feet, but we've been able to keep our trees much smaller through attentive annual pruning.

We pack and ship your trees with love each Spring, at the appropriate time to plant outdoors.
We'll email you a week in advance of your anticipated ship date with the opportunity to either confirm your ship date or request a new one.
Immediately after shipping your trees, we'll email your UPS tracking link.

I just wanted to shoot you a quick note to say I am super happy with my order! Your grafting, root system, etc are excellent!! I am also impressed with your responsiveness. I will definitely be reaching out for a lot more trees.
Source: email received 3/4/23
Q: Will my trees arrive immediately after I order them?
No - we will wait until Spring 2024 to send them. This way you will be able to plant your trees directly in the ground.
Q: What will my trees look like when I receive them?
Your bareroot apple trees will look like this. We bundle your trees together, wrap their roots in damp wood shavings, and ship them in a 4' cardboard box.
Q: When should I plant my apple trees? How big a hole should I dig?
Apple trees are ready to plant immediately upon receipt. We recommend digging a large hole - ideally 3' in diameter. You can read more about receiving your shipment and planting your trees in their respective sections.
Q: How many apple trees should I purchase for my backyard?
We recommend planting a minimum of 3 apple trees that flower at the same time. Doing so ensures adequate pollination in case a tree dies, or if you want one of your apple varieties to be a triploid. You might also consider adding extra long-term storage apple trees so that your supply of homegrown fruit lasts into Spring.
Q: Should I fertilize my fruit trees?
A: We do not recommend adding fertilizer or compost to your hole at planting time. Doing so might create a healthy looking tree, but it will also disincentivize the tree's roots from branching out in search of nutrients. We do, however, recommend amending your soil (not just the planting hole) based on soil test results. We use a standard soil test from Logan Labs. Inexperienced growers can check the "Need Recommendations" box on the soil test order form for a custom recipe of how many pounds of what minerals to spread to balance their soil.
Q: Do I need to stake or support my fruit trees?
No - M111 trees are sturdy and do not require support. We do, however, recommend thinning your first harvest. See below:
Q: My young tree is producing a lot of apples, should I thin them?
Yes, we recommend limiting the amount of apples your fruit tree produces during its first year of fruit production. We generally pinch off 1/2 of a juvenile tree's fruitlets by summer - using our eyes and common sense to tell us when to pinch more or less - and we favor apples attached towards the tree's sturdy center versus those hanging farther up or out on thinner wood.
Q: My tree's not leafing out, what should I do?
Trees shipped and replanted across the country are often initially confused and may take longer to sprout than expected. We guarantee all of our trees to leaf out by June 1st. If this hasn't happened, you can email a picture of your tree to and we will refund the tree's cost.
Q: Can I pick up my trees directly?
Yes, if you live in and around Portland, OR you're welcome to negate the shipping costs and pick up your trees directly. Use promo code "LOCALPICKUP" at checkout and we'll email you to arrange pickup.
Q: Do you sell scion wood?
Unfortunately not - we currently use all wood for tree propagation.
Q: Do you sell apples locally?
We'll begin selling our fruit at the St. John's Center for Opportunity Farmers' Market on September 2, 2023.
Q: Do you host visitors at your farm?
Unfortunately not - we're too busy raising young children and thousands of apple trees.
Q: Are you accepting pre-orders for spring 2024?
If you're interested in ordering 100+ trees, you can contact us and we'd be happy to help.
Q: Is payment due in full at checkout?
Yes, for orders of 100 trees or less. Orders of over 100 trees are welcome to contact us and arrange a 50% non-refundable deposit.
Q: Do you ship outside the United States?
No, sorry.
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