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The apple varieties listed below are orchard favorites and highly recommended for fresh eating. Many of these varieties also make fantastic cider due to their high sugar content and ample acidity. I've highlighted a few standouts in the "Also Cider!" section.

I offer one hint as you go about your selection: Hone in on the 'ugly' apples. How did such unremarkable fruits find hospitable homes for centuries without fail? Flavor, my friend, flavor.

1-9 Trees = $30/tree
10-19 Trees= $25/tree (16% discount)
20+ Trees = $20/tree (33% discount)

Quantity discounts are automatically applied at checkout.

All apples varieties are grafted onto Mailing-Merton 111 Rootstock, sold as 3' whips, and shipped at the appropriate time for outdoor planting in Spring. 


Apple Trees


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Product Details

In The New Book of Apples, Joan Morgan notes that Batul "derives from the Romanian word 'patul' which means bottom of haystack, where apples were stored until sold in spring."

There aren't many haystacks left, but there's no shortage of broken appliances. One of the best apple "haystacks" I've seen was an old chest freezer buried in a backyard and covered with leaves for insulation. After one bite of Batul, I guarantee you'll start thinking about the best place to dig.

Batul apples are very sweet, with a robust, fruity acidity. They're also aromatic and effervescent. Batul apples have with a light, juicy, crispy texture straight from the tree and do not require prolonged storage for their flavor to blossom.

The Batul apple tree is wonderfully suited to the low maintenance orchard as it's scab-resistant, fireblight tolerant, vigorous, and precocious.

Brix: 16
Harvest: Mid-October
Flower: Mid-Season

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